- Don’t limit yourself to position measurement in a single direction when you could be measuring in up to six degrees of freedom with our MULTI-DOF TECHNOLOGY. This will greatly increase your measurement accuracy.
- Transfer the full specified accuracy of the encoder directly into your application with our easy-to-install TRANSFERABLE ACCURACY solutions, including the MRP 8000 angle encoder module for high-accuracy rotary axes.
- Position parts with high accuracy and dynamic performance by using motion systems from ETEL. Intelligent solutions such the QuiET active isolation system increase productivity, while the WINGLET software tool for automated testing and simulation helps you integrate ETEL components into your production systems with speed and reliability.
- Reduce your cabling needs with EnDat 3, the new interface generation for encoders. Its extensive diagnostics deliver greater safety and reliability to your systems and machines.
- For perfect integration into specialized applications, explore our customizable solutions, including the ultra-small LIK encoders from NUMERIK JENA, modular angle and linear encoders from RSF and flexible scale-tape solutions from AMO.